• Delnicka 54, 170 00 Prague, Czech Republic
  • +420 - 608 348 146
In ,

Far and close Burma 2009-10

The project aims to improve mutual understanding and coexistence of Czechs and displaced Burmese refugees in the Czech Republic and raise awareness of Burma, its culture and problems. This goal will be achieved by organizing 7 Burmese cultural-educational evenings at 7 different places in the Czech Republic with Burmese cuisine, music, national costumes and accompanying program consisting of a lecture and discussion for 200 people in total. During the project there will be created a fair-trade online shop selling Burmese traditional products, whose annual visit rate is estimated to 5000 visits and in which would 5 Burmese living in the Czech Republic participate. There will be held an exhibition with film screening on Burma for at least 300 people. The goal of the project will also be fulfilled by publishing 1000 leaflets on Čjins, 10 articles, a report about the life of Burmese living in the Czech Republic and Europe, and a report from the Burmese-Indian border. The beneficiary plans to introduce a system of work with Friends of Burma who will be at least 40 people and to whom will be sent 6 Newsletters. Cooperation with 1 travel agency and 1 travel club wil be established and a manual with recommendations for individual travelers wil be created, which will be available on the website. The project will be promoted by 1500 leaflets, 3 press releases and 100 promotional items. Duration of the project is 12 months.


Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.

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