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  • +420 - 608 348 146


Independent Lawyers in Myanmar 2017

Independent Lawyers in Myanmar 20172653 DownloadsPublished in 2017, by Burma Center Prague, Czech Republic, with financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within its Transition Promotion Program. Executive Summary Independent lawyers hold a key role in promoting and practicing the rule of law, particularly in Myanmar where numerous challenges remain.

Helping Burma Through India

Helping Burma Through India2309 DownloadsThis booklet was published in 2011 by the Czech NGO Burma Center Prague. It aims to highlight the problems faced by refugees from Burma who live in India, but also tries to point out ways they, as active members of civil society, can contribute to the transformation of Burma towards a

Focus on Burma 2010, PDF (584 KB)

Focus on Burma 2010, PDF (584 KB)10383 DownloadsDownload Now!

Focus on Burma 2009, PDF (876 KB)

Focus on Burma 2009, PDF (876 KB)1929 DownloadsDownload Now!

Focus on Burma 2008, PDF (654 KB)

Focus on Burma 2008, PDF (654 KB)7570 DownloadsDownload Now!

Tourism Report, low image quality (2 MB)

Tourism Report, low image quality (2 MB)3287 DownloadsThere is an urgent need for a critical debate on mass tourism in Myanmar, particularly the viability and frailty of the Myanmar Responsible Tourism Policy that is soon to be framed by the Myanmar Tourism Master Plan. ‘One of the most fascinating aspects of travel in Myanmar is